Hygiene and Grooming  >  Foot Care

What to Tell the Doctor

  • Call the doctor if you notice any of the following foot problems:
    • new areas of redness
    • areas of darkening on the skin
    • swelling
    • cuts
    • scratches
    • blisters
    • soft areas of the skin and over the heels
  • If you care for a person with diabetes mellitus, a history of a foot ulcer, loss of feeling in the feet, bony deformities of the feet, or thick or ingrown toe nails, always have their doctor look at their feet during each visit.
  • Have the person take off their shoes and socks at every doctor’s visit.
  • Have a podiatrist or physician test a diabetic person’s feet at least once a year for loss of feeling.
  • Tell the doctor if you have noticed the person walking differently or complaining of pain, numbness or tingling of the feet.
  • Tell the doctor if the person regularly sees a podiatrist for foot care. If you need the name of a podiatrist for the person you care for, your doctor can refer you to someone that is in your area.