Safety Tips
Here are some tips for good foot health:
- Wear shoes that are long enough, wide enough and deep enough to cover the feet without rubbing, causing pressure, or cutting off circulation.
- Always wear clean dry socks or stockings with shoes. Cotton socks provide warmth and absorb moisture or sweat.
- Wear socks free of holes or darns.
- Always check the inside of a shoe before putting it on a person. Something might have fallen (or crawled) inside the shoe, or the lining may be torn, which can cause injury.
- Keep the feet warm and dry.
- Do not wear elastic stockings, knee-high hose or constricting garters.
- Wear loose-fitting socks if the feet become cold.
- Never use a heating pad or hot water bottle on the feet as this can cause burns.
- Wash the feet daily, and be sure to always dry thoroughly, especially in between the toes.
- If you participate in a sport regularly 2 to 3 times a week, you should wear a sport specific shoe that provides the right type of support to the right part of your feet.
- NEVER walk barefoot indoors or outdoors. This is especially important for persons with diabetes, poor circulation, or any other risks for foot problems. Walking barefoot in public showers also increase the risk of getting athlete’s feet.
- Avoid crossing the legs when seated. This can cut off circulation to the legs and feet.