Is it ok to soak a person’s feet in water?
Normally, soaking a person’s feet in water for 10 minutes makes it much easier to give foot care. However, if the person has diabetes mellitus, never soak their feet. Soaking will increase their chance of infection.
What are the risks when giving a person foot care?
- Soaking or cleansing the feet in water that is too hot will cause blisters or burns to the feet.
- If you file too hard around the corners of a nail, you might injure the skin around the toenail or damage the toe itself, which could lead to infection.
- Cutting and injuring the skin from using a clipper is a risk which can also lead to an infection.
Who is most at risk for a foot problem?
- People who have diabetes mellitus
- Aging persons
- People with circulatory problems
- People who suffer the loss of feeling,or have numbness, or tingling in their feet
What should I do if the person I care for gets a cut on their foot?
- Wash a cut or scrape with soap and water, then cover with a sterile gauze bandage. See our lesson on Changing a Gauze Dressing.
- Treat a skin injury quickly
- Check the injury daily and call the person's doctor if it doesn't heal