Safety Tips

- Always take the foil wrapper off a suppository before inserting it.
- Check with the person’s doctor about giving a suppository when the person has had a recent heart attack or has an irregular heart beat. Insertion of a suppository can irritate a nerve in the rectum (vagus nerve), causing the heart rate to slow. If the vagus nerve is irritated the person may become dizzy, pale or sweaty.
- Never let a person take a rectal medicine by mouth. Only medicines labeled as “rectal preparations” should be placed in the rectum.
- Ask if the person to whom you provide care has a latex allergy. If so, you need to use non-latex gloves when giving a suppository. See our future lesson on Latex Allergy.
- Always wear clean gloves when giving a suppository to prevent the chance of you getting an infection.
- After insertion, remove gloves and wash or disinfect your hands thoroughly.