What to Tell the Doctor

- Often the doctor will tell you about things to watch for in the person you care for. Keep track of this information by writing it in your Care Diary so you can share it with the doctor at each visit.
- Keep a care diary of the different observations you make and share them with the doctor during the person’s visit.
- If you think the person you care for is having a heart attack or stroke, check the time. When did the first warning sign or symptom start? What other symptoms did you see? The doctor in the emergency room will ask you these questions.
- If you call 911 because you observe signs of a heart attack, stroke, – anticipate what the dispatcher will ask you. Take note of the time when symptoms started. The American Heart Association (2012) recommends that when you call 911, let the dispatcher ask you questions. Answer in short, specific replies, giving only the requested information. The dispatcher will probably ask you:
- "What is your emergency?"
You might answer, "My mother had sudden chest pain and has now collapsed." - “What's happening now?"
"My friend is giving cardiopulmonary resuscitation." - “Where is the patient located?"
"We are at my mother’s home, Sylvia Winston lives at 1234 Fifth Avenue NE." - “What number are you calling from?"
"The number is 555-1313."
- "What is your emergency?"