Moving Safely  >  Correct Use of Canes

What to Do

Recognizing Problems

Assist devices, such as a cane provide needed support and stability to allow a person with a weakness or injury to walk and move about safely. However, at times a person has difficulty using a cane. This may be due to fear of falling, pain, weak upper body muscles, or the legs are too weak to support the body.

When a person tells you they are having trouble using a cane or if you observe them having difficulty, check the following:

  • Are there obstacles in their walking path making it difficult for them to move about?
  • Are they using the incorrect technique for walking or moving about with the cane?
  • Are they showing signs of fatigue or unsteadiness as they walk?

If the person continues to have difficulty, call the physical therapist or responsible doctor.

quad cane pyramid cane crook cane

Keep a Cane in Good Condition

Routinely check the condition of a cane to be sure it is safe to use.

  • There are three different types of canes: a standard crook cane, a tripod or pyramid cane with three legs, and a quad cane with four legs.
  • The additional legs provide a wide base of support.
  • Most canes are fitted with pliable rubber tips. The tip grips the floor much like the tread on your car and prevents slippage.
  • A tip should not be cracked or worn.
  • Change the tips at least every 5 years.