Moving Safely  >  Using a Wheelchair 

Safety Tips 

wheelchair brakes
  • Do not let a person lean forward out of a wheelchair beyond the length of the armrests.
  • When a person leans forward, be sure the wheels are pointing forward for more stability.
  • With power wheelchairs always turn the power off before transferring the person.
  • Always lock the brakes on a manual wheelchair before transferring the person (see photo).
  • Do not let a person pick up objects from the floor by reaching down. There are special assistive devices that allow people in wheelchairs to pick up things without leaning over. These devices can be bought at some department or medical supply stores.
  • Do not let the person lean back over the top of the chair or put excess weight on the back of a wheelchair, as this can cause tipping.
  • Avoid riding over bumps, curves or obstacles
  • Avoid riding over steep grades.
  • woman helping man into a wheelchair
  • Have the person use a flag if he or she rides on streets and have headlights and taillights for riding at night. Check with your local authorities about rules regarding lights and wheelchair use on sidewalks and roadways.
  • Use caution and keep the person’s hands away from wheel spokes.
  • Do not move up or down an incline covered with water, oil film or ice and avoid riding in the rain as wheelchairs and especially the electronics are generally not waterproof.
  • Have a wheelchair alarm for a person who may try to get up alone without help or who has fallen in the past. Battery powered alarms have a pin connection, which clips on to a person’s shirt or blouse. When the pin connector pulls out of the alarm unit, this activates a signal so you can respond
  • Know how to safely help a person move from bed to a wheelchair (see photo)
    (See the lesson Moving Safely in the Home).
  • Keep the wheelchair in good working order, read the operating manual, and observe all manufacturer precautions.
  • Don’t let children play with the wheelchair