Safety Tips
- Ask the person to whom you are giving mouth care not to bite down on your fingers.
- If a person has trouble swallowing and seems to hold excess saliva in his or her mouth, use caution. This person is at risk for aspiration (choking on saliva). You will take steps to prevent choking in the way you have the person positioned and holding their mouth during brushing. (See Show Me How)
- Wear a pair of clean disposable gloves to lessen the chance of germs in the person’s spit getting on your hands.
- Never share a toothbrush with a family member, there is a risk you could get an infection.
- Never drink directly from a bottle of mouthwash. Germs will be left behind in the bottle.
- Talk to the person’s doctor about using fluoride. A fluoride mouth rinse is not recommended for children age six or younger because they may swallow the rinse.
- Always brush the teeth gently to prevent bleeding of the gums