Introduction to Infection Control

The home is a place where everyone should feel healthy and safe. When you care for a person in the home, it is very important to control sources of infection. Any person who has an illness, disability, or who is older can easily get an infection.
What is an Infection? The entry of germs (e.g. bacteria, viruses, fungus) into the body, that then grow, multiply and cause disease. Examples of infectious diseases include:
- Pneumonia
- Food poisoning
- Hepatitis
- Wound infection
- Cellulitis (infection of the skin)
Where are Germs? Germs are tiny organisms that live all round us; on your body, your clothes, and everyday household items. Most germs will not harm you, but some can lead to serious infection.
Learning the techniques of infection control will make it less likely to catch an infection or to pass on an infection to the person you care for.
Here is Malinda’s Story:

I learned how important it is to try to control for germs in my home. My mother came to my home after having surgery for removal of a cancer on her arm. My job was to help take care of her wound and stitches. I don’t know how it happened but her wound became infected. It was awful, she started having pain in her arm, there was this ugly drainage coming out of the wound. The doctor later told me that infections are common if people do not wash their hands and keep the wound clean. I think we just thought everything would be alright, I checked the wound often but I didn’t wash my hands each time. It took about a week before my mom’s infection began to go away. I guess we were lucky it didn’t lead to something worse. We are much more aware now.