Giving Medicines  >  Nebulizers

What to Do

Preventing a Yeast Infection of the Mouth

If the person you provide care for takes steroid medicines, you can help to prevent a yeast infection of the mouth by having the person gargle with warm water after each nebulizer treatment.

Check the Heart Rate

When the person you care for is using a bronchodilator, such as any Beta agonist, he or she is at risk of having a rapid heart rate. Learn how to take the person’s pulse before and after taking the nebulized medicine. Knowing the person’s normal pulse rate helps you judge if the medicine is causing an increase in their rate. See our lesson on Taking a Pulse.

Clean the Nebulizer

Moisture left in a nebulizer will cause the growth of germs and mold. It is important to regularly cleanse the equipment to protect the person you care for from infection.

Follow these steps for cleansing a nebulizer:

  • Rinse the nebulizer parts with clear water and air-dry after each use.
  • Wash the parts of the nebulizer at the end of each day in warm, soapy water. Rinse well and allow to air dry before storing.
  • Store in a plastic Zip-Loc bag.
  • Twice a week soak the nebulizer parts in a solution of vinegar and water (one part white vinegar to four parts water) for 30 minutes. Then rinse thoroughly with clean water, and air-dry.
  • Follow manufacturer’s recommendations for maintenance of small-volume nebulizer machine, including changing the filters when they become discolored (grayish).