Safety Tips
- Be sure the person always keeps track of doses remaining in the inhaler. Have a prescription refilled several days before the last dose.
- When flying, a person can take their inhaler with them on a plane. It is best to carry the inhaler in the prescription box.
- If the person is traveling, find out how he or she can get further supplies of their medicines wherever they go, in case the medicines are damaged or baggage goes missing.
- The person must never let someone else use their spacer or inhaler. Sharing a device could spread infection.
- Always have the person keep their inhalers somewhere where he or she can quickly get it when they need to.
- Keep inhalers out of the reach of children.
- Store medicine and equipment in a cool, dry area at room temperature.
- Always check the expiration dates on the inhalers before use, and do not use one after it has expired.
- Seek emergency care for a person when their Peak Expiratory Flow is in the red zone or they show signs of sudden, serious breathing problems.