Need to Know
Injection Pens

Certain medicines come prepared in injection pens. The injection pen makes giving injections much easier. The companies that make each pen offer directions on their use. You can also find injection aides such as magnifiers that help a person see the numbers on the side of the syringe. These are available in medical equipment stores and some drug stores.
Making an Injection Less Painful
Because subcutaneous tissue is sensitive to pain, it is normal for an injection to cause mild discomfort. However, the needles used for a subcutaneous injection are very small and thus pain is minimal. A medicine will absorb and have its best effects when you give a subcutaneous injection correctly.

Follow these tips to lessen injection pain:
- Give the medicine at room temperature. (You can keep Insulin at room temperature for one month. However, always store unopened insulin in a refrigerator. Even if you keep insulin refrigerated after opening it is still only good for one month).
- Wait until the alcohol dries on the skin before inserting the needle
- Have the person relax their muscles as much as possible during an injection
- Insert the needle quickly
- Do not change the direction of the needle as it goes in or comes out
- Do not reuse a disposable needle