What is the best way for me to avoid making a mistake when I give someone a medicine?
Follow the 5 rights. Always be sure to give the right medicine to the right person at the right time, in the right amount, and by the right route. Stay focused. Never hurry or become distracted when giving medicines. Take your time to be accurate.
My mom has a hard time swallowing her pills. Can I crush them and put them in her food?
Check with your pharmacist to be sure it is ok to crush a pill or tablet. Some medicines should never be crushed. Certain capsules should not be opened and mixed with food because the action of the drug would be altered. Do NOT crush a medicine and then mix it up with a person’s meal. Give medicines separately in a small amount of food, like applesauce, to be sure a person takes all of the medicine
What if the person I care for decides not to take their medicine?
Try to find out the reason they refuse, they may not feel well; they may believe the medicine is causing unpleasant side effects. Never force a person to take a medicine. If the person continues to refuse a medicine for more than one dose, call the doctor.